Thursday, December 13, 2007

Campus-wide Bike & Water-Refill Stations

Intended Outcome:
•To provide the UNLV campus community with bike transportation network & water-refill stations.
•To promote a social climate that embraces the use of alternative transportation systems and waste reduction.

Rationale & Background:
Simple bike & water-refill stations placed in strategic locations on campus would provide a quick transportation and hydration solution for students. A new sustainability-driven aesthetic can develop on the UNLV campus increasing the visibility of university efforts.

Similar programs have been used in many locations worldwide, including the cities of Portland, Austin, and Amsterdam. By combining the element of water refill, these stations will also reduce the waste produced by plastic water bottles.

PV Shade: powers the system
Water Refill: Re-use plastic bottles
Swipe and Ride: Support Bike use on campus
Education: The back of the stations can be used as an information display

Case Studies / Precedents:
•Yellow Bike Program. Austin, TX:
•Communal Bike Program. Paris, France:
•Copenhagen's City Bike Program:

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